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Posted by: territorial committee Uisp - Cirie Seventh Chivasso (Turin, Italy), "Courage" Foundation, Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Romanian Association for Sports and Culture (Romania), Bulgar. - Oesterreih. Kulturvereingraz (Austria)
  "ARIES Project" means a football, a dunk, a racket or a "checkmate" to racism...

18 months of sport to tackle discrimination and inequality, 18 months of sports in difficult and disadvantaged areas of Europe, 18 months of sport in multiethnic areas in which you try to build the foundations of European democracy and rights-based. Here is the exciting challenge of the creators and organizers of the "Aries"; create unity among the peoples, to combat stereotypes and prejudices, reject violence to replace it with the pure competitive spirit. Sport can be synonymous with prevention: a defense against physical ailments but also a shield against the most terrible scourge of mankind: racism.

We do sports to strengthen the body and mind ... you can practice sports to enhance the closeness between peoples. A website explaining the project, a Fansclub on facebook to discuss, interact, reflect together on racism.

Aries Project, an exciting project with a thought decided: "Against racism through sports."
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